Knowledge Base

Geoinsight System

The Geoinsight database was built on a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS), comprising a multi-resolution system of global grids.

This system subdivides the Earth's surface into discrete cells, each assigned a distinctive identifier and maintaining consistent geometry. DGGS offers an effective means to represent geospatial data in a structured and uniform fashion, facilitating diverse spatial analyses and computations on a global scale.

The database is built on the Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area (ISEA) aperture 3 hexagonal (3H) DGGS. The hexagonal configuration proves especially advantageous in specific geospatial and scientific scenarios as it minimizes bias and ensures more uniform coverage. This makes it well-suited for a wide range of spatial analyses and modeling tasks. The aperture plays a crucial role in determining the area ratio between hexagonal cells at successive resolutions.

Aperture 3

At Geoinsight, our services encompass global data support across 11 consecutive resolutions, and we also deliver higher-resolution data for countries and states, covering 7 consecutive resolutions. The centroid spacing within this framework ranges from -- kilometers to approximately -- centimeters.